Multiple Wavelength Portable Specular Reflectometer,
Model 15R-RGB
on the image for a larger view)
The Multiple Wavelength
Portable Specular Reflectometer Model 15R-RGB builds on
the functionality of the model 15R-USB. It is a portable
reflectometer designed for measurements of highly
specular flat or curved mirrors for solar power
applications. The 15R-RGB is powered by internal
rechargeable Nicad batteries that operate for over 15
hours on a charge. An operator can easily take
reflectance readings at the rate of 2 to 6 per minute
and record the readings to data sets stored in the
instrument. A USB port is provided for maintaining and
downloading data sets and upgrading the firmware.
The model 15R-RGB adds
the capability to measure reflectance in five broad
wavelength bands from blue to near IR using a white LED
source and selectable filters. In the standard
configuration, a filter wheel selects one of detector
response curves; red, green, blue, white or IR. Also
selectable are five full angle acceptance angles of 4.6,
7, 15, 25 and 46 mrad. These features make the Model
15R-RGB ideal for characterization and monitoring of
quality control in the manufacture and maintenance of
solar mirrors and thermal control surfaces.